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Privacy Policy

Red Smoke Alarms


Red Smoke Alarms Pty. Ltd. (RSA) recognises the importance of protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals in relation to their personal information. This document is our privacy policy and it tells you how we collect and manage your personal information.


We respect your rights to privacy under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act) and we comply with all of the Act’s requirements in respect of the collection, management and disclosure of your personal information.


When used in this privacy policy, the term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Act. In general terms, it is any information that can be used to personally identify you. This may include your name, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation. If the information we collect personally identifies you, or you are reasonably identifiable from it, the information will be considered personal information.

We may collect the following types of personal information:

We may also collect some information that is not personal information because it does not identify you or anyone else. For example, we may collect anonymous answers to surveys or aggregated information about how users use our website.


We collect your personal information directly from you unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so. When collecting personal information from you, we may collect in ways including:

We may also collect personal information from third parties including:


In some cases we may also collect your personal information through the use of cookies. When you access websites, a “cookie” (which is a small summary file containing a unique ID number) may be sent to your computer. These cookies enable us to recognise your computer. It also enables us to keep track of products or services you view so that, if you consent, we can send you news about those products or services. We also use cookies to measure traffic patterns, to determine which areas of our website have been visited and to measure transaction patterns in the aggregate. We use this to research our users’ habits so that we can improve our online products and services. Our cookies do not collect personal information. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can set your browser so that your computer does not accept them.

We may log IP addresses (that is, the electronic addresses of computers connected to the internet) to analyse trends, administer the website, track users movements, and gather broad demographic information.


If you do not provide us with the personal information described above, some or all of the following may happen:


We collect personal information about you so that we can perform our business activities and functions and to provide best possible quality of customer service.

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

Your personal information will not be shared, sold, rented or disclosed other than as described in this Privacy Policy.

To whom may we disclose your information?

We may disclose your personal information to:

We may combine or share any information that we collect from you with information collected by any of our related bodies corporate (within Australia).


We may send you direct marketing communications and information about our products and services that we consider may be of interest to you. These communications may be sent in various forms, including mail, SMS, fax and email, in accordance with applicable marketing laws, such as the Spam Act 2003 (Cth). If you indicate a preference for a method of communication, we will endeavour to use that method whenever practical to do so. In addition, at any time you may opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by contacting us (see the details below) or by using opt-out facilities provided in the marketing communications and we will then ensure that your name is removed from our mailing list.

RSA may provide your contact information to business partners, supply line partners and other organisations for the purposes of direct marketing only where it is relevant for you, the recipient to do so.


You may request access to any personal information we hold about you at any time by sending an email to Where we hold information that you are entitled to access, we will try to provide you with suitable means of accessing it (for example, by mailing or emailing it to you).

There may be instances where we cannot grant you access to the personal information we hold. For example, we may need to refuse access if granting access would interfere with the privacy of others or if it would result in a breach of confidentiality. If that happens, we will give you written reasons for any refusal.

If you believe that personal information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, then you may request us to amend it. We will consider if the information requires amendment. If we do not agree that there are grounds for amendment then we will add a note to the personal information stating that you disagree with it.


We may disclose personal information to our related bodies corporate and third party suppliers and service providers located overseas for some of the purposes listed above.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the overseas recipients of your personal information do not breach the privacy obligations relating to your personal information.


We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is protected from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We may hold your information in either electronic or hard copy form. Personal information is destroyed or de-identified when no longer needed.

As our website is linked to the internet, and the internet is inherently insecure, we cannot provide any assurance regarding the security of transmission of information you communicate to us online. We also cannot guarantee that the information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted over the internet. Accordingly, any personal information or other information which you transmit to us online is transmitted at your own risk.


Our website may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. We make no representations or warranties in relation to the privacy practices of any third party website and we are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of any third party website. Third party websites are responsible for informing you about their own privacy practices.


If you believe that your privacy has been breached, please contact us using the contact information below and provide details of the incident so that we can investigate it. Our procedure for investigating and dealing with privacy breaches is located below.


We may change this privacy policy from time to time. Any updated versions of this privacy policy will be posted on our website.

This privacy policy was last updated in March 2020.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, any concerns or a complaint regarding the treatment of your privacy or a possible breach of your privacy, please contact The Privacy Officer using the details set out below.

We will treat your requests or complaints confidentially. Our representative will contact you within a reasonable time after receipt of your complaint to discuss your concerns and outline options regarding how they may be resolved. We will aim to ensure that your complaint is resolved in timely and appropriate manner.


The goal of the complaints handling process is to achieve an effective resolution of your complaint within a reasonable time frame.

Making a complaint

A complaint can be reported verbally (by telephone or in person) or in writing (letter or email) to the Privacy Officer.

The complaint must include the following information:

For privacy reasons we only accept complaints made by the person involved or an authorised representative. If you wish to complain on behalf of another person, please provide proof of authority to do so.

Grievance Procedure

Once the complaint has been received the Privacy Officer will acknowledge and record the complaint via our internal Privacy Complaint Register.

The Privacy Officer may liaise with the complainant to seek further information from them and in these circumstances they should be prepared to give as much detail as possible, including any additional documentation. This will enable the contact to impartially investigate the matter to determine an appropriate solution. The investigation process will be documented and all details will be kept confidential. Once the outcome of the complaint has been handled, the complainant will be advised of the decision in writing. The reasons for the decisions will be outlined.

Where possible, complaints will be resolved within 30 days of being received.

Call 1300 316 552

Red Smoke Alarms

The best invention in smoke alarms … since the smoke alarm

  • Instantly silence alarms that are going off
  • Instantly locate which alarm is false alarming
  • Allows occupants to deal with false alarms – instantly and easily!

Finally a way to silence smoke alarms in the middle of the night …
As a property manager I get less calls, less call-outs and less stress …
As a property manager, I wouldn’t upgrade the smoke alarms in any of my properties without including the Smoke Alarm Controller …

Here’s what property managers have discovered.

Australia’s premier Smoke Alarm Controller from Red Smoke Alarms allows for simple and quick testing, silencing and locating triggered alarms – all without the need to reach the smoke alarms on the ceiling.

One wall mounted switch within easy reach to control and communicate with alarms.

If the alarms go off – they can be silenced instantly with the simple press of one button.

This one button will save you from all this.

Consider that most properties will have between 4-6 smoke alarms.

When they go off (through a fault, cooking, burnt toast, etc) the sound is extremely loud right throughout the house and it is very difficult for the occupant to identify which alarm is causing them to go off, and most have no idea how to stop them going off.

Often this happens in the middle of the night and is then a big problem for the occupants. Until now there has been no real solution to this problem.

The Smoke Alarm Controller is a wall mounted switch that talks (wirelessly) to the installed alarms.

From this switch, the smoke alarms can be tested, if they are going off it will tell them which alarm is causing the problem, and most importantly – by pushing just one button, all alarms can be immediately silenced!

There will be no need for the occupant to put up with the incredibly loud noise, no need to run around the house trying to find out which smoke alarm is causing the problem, no need to get on a ladder to look at the smoke alarms on the ceiling – everything can be done from the one, simple wall mounted switch.

We firmly believe that no property should have their smoke alarms upgraded and interconnected without including the Smoke Alarm Controller.

The Wireless Smoke Alarm Controller.
Model No. RAC
  • Completely wireless with 10 year lithium battery. No wiring required.
  • One button – three functions. Test, Locate and Silence.
  • Easy and quick installation.
  • Can be wall mounted or free standing.
  • Connects to Red Smoke Alarms 240v and 10 year wireless smoke alarms.
Smoke Alarm Companies and Electricians.

Red Smoke Alarms are quite simply – Australia’s best smoke alarms.

Red Smoke Alarms will save you money – Red is cheaper than Clipsal, PSA and Brooks and is the only brand of smoke alarms in Australia that comes with a 10 year warranty over the complete range.

The Red Smoke Alarm Controller is exclusive to Red Smoke Alarms. You can now offer the Smoke Alarm Controller to your clients, before your competitors do.

Find out more about the Smoke Alarm Controller

Have a question? Call a Specialist on 1300 316 552.

Get in touch and we’ll show you really how easy it is.

Red Smoke Alarms – Australia’s best smoke alarms.

Red Smoke Alarms is the new force in smoke alarms providing you a real alternative to the established brands. All Red smoke alarms have been designed to be of the highest quality to suit Australian conditions.

We are so confident of the quality of Red smoke alarms that every smoke alarm in the range is backed with a 10 year warranty. Red Smoke Alarms is 100% Australian owned and we are a dedicated team of smoke alarms specialists you can contact at any time for advice, guidance or recommendations.

Red Smoke Alarms – Australia’s best smoke alarms.

Copyright © 2020 Red Smoke Alarms Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
ABN: 60 639 243 520
1300 316 552
Privacy Policy